Whistler Early Opening: Saturday, November 17th
It’s been cold in the PNW the last few weeks, and the folks at Whistler Blackcomb have been taking advantage. Thanks to impressive amounts of natural and manmade snow, Whistler will be opening five days ahead of schedule, on Saturday, November 17th.
“In addition to new snow and a great forecast lining up towards the end of this week, our fleet of 220 state-of-the-art snow guns has converted over 70 million gallons of water into snow over the past few weeks. This ensures excellent on-piste coverage for quality skiing and riding on opening day,” says Doug MacFarlane, mountain manager.”
The first chairs of the 2012/2013 season will leave the Whistler Village and Creekside Gondolas at 8:30 a.m., and the first 1,500 skiers and snowboarders to load will recieve gifts. So put the bikes away, put the snow tires on and be there.