
The Faces of Dav Episode 5: The Explorer Part 2

Continuing the adventure started in Episode 4 of Red Bull’s The Faces of Dav web series, “Episode 5: The Explorer 2” follows the crew of all-star skiers search for new zones while dodging polar bears and massive avalanches in the fjords of Norway’s Svalbard Island. Sunshine and warming temperatures may have created less-than-ideal conditions, but that didn’t stop the group from exploring new zones and finding some aesthetic lines.

“There’s a sense of adventure to trips like this, constantly learning every single day from the people I am around. Exploration is that theme for me, exploring the people I am with is as important as exploring these new places,” says team member Michelle Parker. For the complete story, check out the feature “No Last Call” in the newest issue of The Ski Journal, #8.2.

Click here to watch the episode on redbull.com.


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