Bobby Brown finds “White Gold”
Did you flip through the 18.1 opening gallery and want just a smidge more? You’re in luck.
Brett Schreckngost’s shot of Bobby Brown hitting the Silverton road gap ended up as a two-page spread in our fall issue, snapped while filming for White Gold, a dreamy five minutes of backcountry booter heaven.
The short film is a compilation of Brown’s close-to-home adventures last season in Colorado, proving that sometimes the terrain in our backyard is just as good as the far-flung ski trips. Brown makes the most of natural features in southwest Colorado, boosting the Silverton road gap as well as styling the legendary Trestle jump in Telluride.
Deep snow, blue skies and plenty of air time—it’s Brown in top form laying down massive tricks on classic features. Never has old mining infrastructure looked so darn good.
Bobby Brown goes big over the Silverton road gap for an opening spread in Issue 18.1 of The Ski Journal. Photo: Brett Schreckngost