
Beartooth Basin

Smells Like Ski Spirit: Summer Stoke at Beartooth Basin

High on the steeps above us, a skier catches an edge in the summer slush. He rag-dolls before belly sliding a good hundred feet, losing skis, poles and goggles along the way. Cheers erupt from the lift line as the man stands, shakes the snow from his sodden hoodie and takes a bow.

We’re at 10,900 feet on the Wyoming and Montana border, skiing spectacular terrain under mid-June sunshine. The yard sales are massive here, and so is the enthusiasm. Beartooth Basin Summer Ski Area’s slogan is “The Spirit of Skiing,” and, with most other North American lift operations shut down for the year, it’s a compelling destination for those unwilling to let the season die. High in the Beartooth Mountains, North America’s lone summer-only ski area is a celebration of being outside in the mountains and sliding on snow without pretense or ego…

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