Ask Rachael Burks
No. This isn’t an advice column. But it is your chance to ask Rachael Burks some questions. From summers in France to laughing infectiously, studying at Oxford to hucking cliffs in Jackson, Burks has a lot to offer. All you have to do is ask.
In Issue 4.1 we introduced Rachael. Well, maybe not introduced; the big mountain freeskier has already done that for herself. Gracing the cover of multiple ski magazines and filiming with TGR, Burkes is beyond her skiing preamble. We all know about her, we all love her, we all want to know more.
Add a comment here on our blog, via facebook, or even via email, subject ‘Ask Burks’, send us your questions and we will pick our favorites. You have until the end of July and then Rachael will answer.