The Ski Journal welcomes story, art and photo contributions. TSKJ will consider, but assumes no responsibility for, unsolicited proposals, manuscripts and photographs. All such materials not accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope will not be returned. The Ski Journal is not responsible for unsolicited contributions or lost or damaged photo material. Funny Feelings, LLC retains all reprint rights.
The Ski Journal photography showcases the highest quality imagery, period. We feature the newest and greatest feats on snow, as well as classic, timeless images that define every era of skiing’s culture. We welcome images of top pros, but are equally interested in publishing the unheralded and unknown, the in-between moments that define ski culture.
We seek images that speak to the soulful eccentricities of skiing, shots rich in context, character and feeling. We seek creative shots that the other publications wouldn’t run. We welcome experimentation. The Ski Journal is a creative vehicle.
- The Ski Journal only accepts exclusive submissions. If the images are currently under consideration by any other North American editorial title or global brand, including but not limited to magazines, newspapers, books and outdoor companies, please do not send them to us. We are happy to take a look once brands or other editorial titles have made their selections. This includes current or future social media usage.
- All digital submissions MUST have all metadata fully embedded, including photographer name and address, contact info, athlete name, and location. If you do not include this, we will not accept your images.
- Digital submissions should include .jpg previews no larger than 1500 pixels on the long end and can be submitted through a web-based service such as yousendit or wetransfer. Please contact if you have questions. Be sure to name your folder with your name and date.
- The RAW file in an edited .DNG format will be required for printing. Please do not export any jpeg or tiff then convert to dng–we need full raw data in order to print your image at the best possible quality.
- We will gladly accept positive film (slides), as well as B/W prints and cross-processed media. However we will only accept originals, and we will not accept any Inkjet prints.
Send questions to
All hard copy submissions,including original slides and CDs, should be sent via mail or shipping company to the respective addresses below.
The Ski Journal welcomes queries and/or completed manuscripts that showcase skiing’s people, places, and culture. Before submitting an idea we encourage writers to pick up a recent copy of The Ski Journal and read it carefully. Initial contact should be in the form of a query that includes the following
- A brief description of the story: the angle, subjects and location.
- Why our readers would be interested in your story.
- Where it would fit in the journal (which department).
- Why you are qualified to write the story.
- Reference to any photo resources for the story.
- Any samples or references to previously published work.Please direct all queries to or mail to the addresses below.
Via USPS/Canada Post:
The Ski Journal
PO Box 2806
Bellingham, WA 98227
The Ski Journal
3620 Irongate Rd. Suite 122
Bellingham, WA 98226
Via Email:
Straight Line: Short, focused pieces on places, innovations, organizations, and events in skiing. This is the place to flex that journalism muscle. (4-800 words)
Yodel: Rants and stories with a loose focus on ski culture. No idea is too weird. Generally more off-beat and conceptual than Straight Lines. (350-700 words)
Lines: Focused on one particular line (backcountry or frontcountry) of significance. It could be anything from a couloir that scared the crap out of you to the cat track you learned to throw a spread eagle on. Anything’s a “line” if you make it so. (350-700 words)
New Favorite Person: Short profiles of people who exemplify ski culture, in traditional and non-traditional ways. What underground personalities can we learn something from? (400-1200 words)
Artifact: Discussion of a physical piece of ski history. Must be accompanied by photo of said artifact. This can be a personally-relevant artifact as long as it relates to broader ski culture. (350-600 words)
Rewind: Archival photo accompanied by short text that says something about a particular time/place in skiing. (50-150 words)
Media Reviews: What are our fellow creators up to? Books, podcasts, art, comics, interpretive dance sets, etc. If you find something compelling, let’s hear about it. (350-700 words)
Features can run anywhere from four to 20 pages and 1200 to 4000+ words. Features should go beyond simple chronological accounts of ski trips and delve into the history, culture, politics and eccentricities of the places and people featured. They must be accompanied by photographic resources that paint an equally-compelling picture of the featured subject.
– 12-point
– Arial Font
– 1.5 Spaces
– One return after paragraphs, no indent
– AP-style punctuation
– Include the date, name of author, title of story, and department in the header