
A Fat, Little Storm Over Bariloche: Session One Wrap-Up for SASS

SASS tortures us all once again with a photo wrap-up of their first session–suffice to say Cerro Catedral’s having a good season.

As reported by our friends at SASS: “On the day of the storm, skiers awoke to a gray and rainy day in the valley. While many were weary of what was awaiting them on the hill, the coaches hustled everyone out the door and onto the bus. They knew that with nearly 5,000 feet of elevation difference between the hotel and the top of Cerro Catedral there would be an incredible amount of snow on the hill.

The top was socked in and grey, the skiers ran hot laps in the Gondola Trees and Condor. Once the skies cleared, skiers moved to Laguna to hit the lines they had been scoping earlier in the week. The photos do all the talking.”



Memo: In the summer, go to South America. Yeah, the winter may not be too distant, but traveling south is a necessary component of a skier’s sanity.

If you are already on your way to the skiing deprivation nut house, check out this video of SASS’s Miles Clark sending it South America style.

Miles Clark slaying Cerro Catedral during SASS Session 1


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