Jeff Leger Painting. Acrylic on canvas




It has been a busy art season for Jeff Leger. Every summer “Lege,” as he’s affectionately known around his adopted home of Jackson, WY, takes a forced annual hiatus from the delights of subnivean days and teeing off cliffs to reflect on gifts of winters past, look forward to future turns, and immerse himself in the creative arts. For the last few years, an eclectic and growing collection of acrylic paintings on canvas have been his manifestations of the utter joy that ski- ing—and just about every other aspect of life—imbues in him. On snow, Leger may be the modern equivalent of the classic, old school soul skier, but his skiing’s a little too good, and a little too sendy to fly entirely be- low the radar. It’s not a ski style most can aspire to, but Leger’s recent foray into painting offers something else entirely. Leger’s brushstrokes offer something skiers in- trinsically understand: the feeling they chase, whether every day or five times a year, is an ephemeral bliss, and then they chase it again…

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